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Are you a (future) energy community?

The facilitator for your region is here to inform and support you.

Asset 18

The current energy situation in the communities

  • In recent years, energy consumers have seen their rights extended, with a view to organising themselves collectively to meet part of their energy needs. In both Brussels and Wallonia, this includes the right to create an energy community or to take part in energy sharing or peer-to-peer schemes.

Our goal for 2028

We want communities to

  • Be fully-fledged players in the energy market.
  • Be, like sharing, vectors of economic models that are more consumer-centred.
  • Be accessible, in a non-discriminatory way, to offer a low and stable price.
  • Contribute, like energy sharing, to the fight against fuel poverty.
  • Involve local authorities and businesses, as well as individual citizens.
  • Generate a significant increase in the production of renewable energy.
  • Improve grid management through energy sharing.



How can we help you?

Our useful projects for Communities

La Communauté d’énergie Nos Bambins

Le   projet   constitue   la première   expérimentation   sur   le   territoire bruxellois d’un partage local d’énergie entre …

Voir le projet

Communication des coopératives

Depuis la fin de l’année 2018, Energie Commune s’engage activement à renforcer la communication des…

Voir le projet

Synergie Mention #EnergieDurable

La mention #EnergieDurable habille le label Financité & FairFin des entreprises qui accordent une attention…

Voir le projet

Our statistics

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