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You represent a school, help us prepare the future actors of the energy transition.

Asset 30

The current energy situation in schools

More and more schools are getting involved in the energy transition by educating teachers and pupils about the rational use of energy. Some are going even further by producing their own renewable energy within the building itself.

Spurred on by the climate marches, young people are an increasingly important driving force behind the ecological transition


Our goals for 2025

We want

  • Schools to become carbon neutral.
  • schools to improve the energy performance of their buildings (wall and roof insulation, etc.)
  • as many schools as possible to be equipped with photovoltaic panels on the roofs of their buildings.
  • that the rational use of energy is an integral part of the schools' project.

How can we help you?

Useful tools for schools


Les énergies renouvelables se traduisent aussi par des données chiffrées.   Renouvelle rassemble toutes les…

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Our projects for schools

Accompagnement pédagogique des écoles

Parce que l’avenir se construit dès aujourd’hui, Energie Commune assure des animations dans les écoles…

Voir le projet

Our statistics

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